Wednesday, October 7, 2009

William Kristol talks to Jon Stewart on Health Care

The media producer is Comedy Central and the media communicator is John Stewart. Consider the media platform. Are entertainment based news programs less informative than what would be termed "straight" news media?

The role of this show is to be more humorous than the standard news, and I feel that the show is targeted to a young adult audience as opposed to my 76 year-old grandmother. The media communicator is Stewart; he becomes part of the issue when he hears that William Kristol, a Republican, say that the government can in fact provide premium healthcare because it already does to the men and women in service. This sparks an interest to Stewart because many republicans are against government funded healthcare because they feel that it would be inadequate to the healthcare provided by private insurance companies. However, Kristol just stated that the healthcare provided to the men and women in service may possibly be better than the healthcare provided by private insurance companies that you and I are familiar with. This means that republicans are incorrect and the government is in fact capable of providing healthcare to United States citizens, but it would be costly.


William Kristol talks to Jon Stewart on Health Care. [Online Video Clip]
Available, July 31, 2009.

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