Media Communicators:
There are many Media Communicators when it comes to the issue of the failed Chicago Olympic bid. Every reporter who wrote a story, every citizen who wanted their voice heard on the issue, every television personality that spoke of it, and every radio host who had a few choice words on this issue could be called the Media Communicator. They brought the story to our eyes and ears. However, the person who deserves the most credit for putting the topic in our minds is President Barack Obama. Obama had multiple forms of promotion to raise awareness of Chicago taking part in the Olympic bid.
Media Producers-News Companies:
It is the purpose of news companies to provide accurate responses to issues around the world. Newspapers, such as Chicago Times Tribune, have covered the impact of the lost bid; many focusing on who is to blame for it. Many say the blame rests on the shoulders of Chicago mayor Richard M. Daley.
Radio hosts such as Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh have taken this chance to bash President Barack Obama for his massive support for the Olympics in Chicago.
Many television stations disagreed whether Chicago would be the right place for the Olympics in the first place. Since the decision has been made it seems that the stations that were opposed, such as Fox News, have found time to gloat, while other television stations are backing the Presidents statement of how the bid brought the nation, and the city of Chicago, together.
Time magazine published a story about whether Chicago was the right place for the Olympic Games. Since the defeat, Time has responded with an article about what it means for President Obama and his administration. It also spoke of past Summer Olympics held in U.S. cities and what they actually achieved by hosting the Olympics. For instance, there was a bombing at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996. Advertising Age had a story covering the impact to the U.S. Olympic Committee, who is desperately seeking sponsors sense the recent loss of General Motors, Home Depot, and Bank of America. Not to mention the huge boost that the current sponsors, such as Allstate and United Airlines, would feel if the Olympics had came to the Windy City.
Blogs are by far the most numerous sources on the topic, because anyone who wants to can comment on the issue. A common blog topic is to find who is to blame for the loss, many choosing Richard Daley or Barack Obama. Other blogs talk of what Chicago can do now that they have organized themselves. Many talk of how the money gathered for the Olympics, along with all the people who have come together, can make Chicago a better place without the Olympics.
Beneficiaries - Generally beneficiaries are who benefits from an action. In this case the beneficiary is Rio generally and companies than do business there. In this case companies that do business outside of the U.S. will be the beneficiaries. However, because U.S. companies do business in South America, this does not mean that U.S. companies will be left out.
However, local Chicago business advocates of the bid to host the Olympics will see it as a loss and see that only corporations will be the beneficiaries.
Lucrative platform - In general several a lucrative platforms in media is a station having rights to the Super Bowl which will lead to high advertising revenue. In this case it's the Olympics which would create a lucrative platform for local television stations like Chicago's Tribune Co. would use such a platform to increase advertising rates for its TV and radio programs.
Ramifications - Refers generally to what will be the consequences of an action. The ramifications in this case can be several things: President Obama's popularity could take a hit because he made an effort to get the games in Chicago, but to no avail. Others might say that there were too many other factors at play for that to be a ramification. Other ramifications are the loss of local business revenue.
Broadcast - Transmission of radio and television images. In this case it is the 2016 Olympics being broadcast.
Corruption - Generally is a lack of moral principle. It comes into play here because there has been some who believed that corruption may exist in efforts to get the 2016 games. Some may argue that such a thing is based on Chicago's history of political corruption, while others may say that it's historical and had nothing to do with the bid for the games.
Ratings - Are a system of measuring who views what on television (e.g. Neilsen ratings). Several factors are at work regarding ratings: what American broadcasting company will win the rights and what not winning the bid will mean for the Tribune Co. that would have benefited from local broadcasts. Regarding the formal Fox Broadcasting owner Rupert Murdock has said Fox would not bid for the games if a U.S. city didn't win the bid.
Engagement - The act of engaging. In this instance the engagement of National companies, particularly local companies would increase if the Olympics were here and not internationally. The question here is whether the Olympic engagement is the same if the U.S. hosts it or not? In regard to business: no. But will it make a difference in U.S. broadcast ratings? People will be just as engaged as witnessed by the recent Beijing Summer Olympics of 2009.
Viewership - viewership is the audience who watches a particular broadcast. The two sides of this issue is those who believe viewership would increase with a stateside games, and those who believe it would make no difference.
Unceremoniously - Abrupt. Chicago and Tokyo were dropped from the bidding in the first round. Depending on one's perspective the unceremonious drop is better than waiting it out when the chances were not likely to increase. Another side may believe that considering the presidential push the U.S. ought to be accorded more respect than an early exit from the bidding try.
Defections - Abandonment. Refers to the companies that left potential Olympic support. Gaining the Olympics of 2016 would have benefited existing companies. The flip side of that argument is that Rio is more in need of the boon to its economy which it never had than America needs a boost because of recent defections.
Chicago Olympic Bid Video
Fox News Assaults Chicago’s Olympic Loss
Obama Issues Live Statement on Chicago Losing Olympic Bid
1) Chicago Olympic Bid Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UOfWHy8a4A&feature=player_embedded
2) Fox News Assaults Chicago’s Olympic Loss http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4iMT9lmKWA&feature=player_embedded
3) Obama Issues Live Statement on Chicago Losing Olympic Bid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14Wy4QiCZBk&feature=player_embedded
4) Mullman, J.. (2009, Oct. 2 ). In Advertising Age. Retrieved Oct. 5, 2009, from http://adage.com/article?article_id=139428
5) Zennie62,. (2009, Oct. 2 ). In San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved Oct. 5, 2009, from http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/abraham/detail?blogid=95&entry_id=48812
6) Heinzmann, D.. (2009, Oct. 2 ). In Chicago Tribune. Retrieved Oct. 5, 2009, from http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-2016-olympics,0,7030959.story
7) Donovan, L.. (2009, Oct. 2 ). In Chicago Sun-Times. Retrieved Oct. 5, 2009, from http://www.suntimes.com/sports/olympics/1803091,olympics-bid-winner-100209.article
8) Leicester, J.. (2009, Oct. 2 ). In Time. Retrieved Oct. 5, 2009, from http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1927525,00.html
9) Scherer, M.. (2009, Oct. 2 ). In Swampland. Retrieved Oct. 5, 2009, from http://swampland.blogs.time.com/2009/10/02/chicago-obama-family-and-friends-lose-first-round-olympic-votes/
10) (2009, Oct. 5 ). In Chicago Business. Retrieved Oct. 5, 2009, from http://www.chicagobusiness.com/cgi-bin/mag/article.pl?id=32465;seenIt=1
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