kelly ripa supporting the green movement
After reading Silverbatt’s chapter on comparative media, it is clear that there are several ways to attract an audience. The three most beneficial types of media when discussing the green movement in general would be the Internet, television, and the newspaper. Simply typing in “green movement” into Google brings up thousands of options and over 80% of the websites I looked at provided pictures that depicted a “green” environment. Some of the websites showed people hugging trees, some showed scenery that depicted bright green grass, a perfect tree, a beautiful blue sky, and overall, simply a ‘green’ environment. By showing pictures next to information about going green, it allows readers to not only educate themselves, but also put a picture in their heads about what the positive effects of the green movement will be. The tone of the Internet articles is mostly serious and educational, explaining how this is a serious matter and humans are the number one cause for things like global warming and pollution. It is humans that cause these environmental and world problems, and it is humans who can now make a stand to save the atmosphere in which we live in. The font and the style of the articles are typically normal, bolding words and phrases that are the main topics and of course, the most important.In the newspaper, headlines are usually large and bold, trying to grasp the reader’s attention from only a few words. In The New York Times, the newspaper has pages and pages of results that deal with everything from America’s greenest campus to Jay Leno’s green car challenge. Most of these articles also depict a picture that relates to the green movement, helping readers understand this issue to its fullest.
The Internet differs from newspapers, television and magazines because the Internet has an unlimited amount of information about any topic, at any time. The television is a very reliable source of information, however, wanting to hear solely about the green movement at a specific time of the day is not very likely. Also, magazines are now including advertisements that portray the positive move towards being more ‘green’ yet, most advertisements are only pictures and leave the educational part of what the Internet would provide to a reader, out.
The graphic elements involved in the coverage of the “green movement” are integrated into the media through print, photography, television and a variety of other ways. Billboards and advertisements show the slogan to “Go Green” as well as t-shirts and shopping bags. Various grocery stores and department stores offer a reusable bag you can buy for a low price instead of using multiple plastic bags in hopes of saving the environment. The most common element that catches the attention of consumers and the audience is in the form of print and photography. Any given day there are atleast a few articles in the news speaking about ways to save the environment or helpful tips to “go green”. On the television several companies are now trying to promote their products they have developed for the green movement. For example, Ford, Honda, and Toyota have developed fuel- efficient cars and broadcast their products through commercials and ads on television and in print, such as magazines. The photography typically used to support the green movement is pictures of light bulbs, trees, images depicting nature, and the recycling symbol. These pictures give the audience a way to reinforce the issue at hand and give them an idea of steps to take. These types of photography do not pose many issues to be debated and if so, it would be about global warming most likely. Some people and groups do not agree with the issue of global warming so they might not completely agree with “going green”. The font typically used on the internet, television etc., is usually a calm and easy to read font. The colors are always different shades of green, sometimes leaves are growing off the letters in certain fonts, as well as bold and small size font. Every advertisement used to promote eco-friendly products or way of life is always very fun, it draws the reader or audience member in and makes them interested. Internet coverage of the green movement is much more informative and informational compared to other types of media because it offers many outlets. There are so many different paths the internet leads you down, whether it is how to “go green”, what types of products you can purchase to “go green”, companies that are “green” etc. The other types of media such as print, photography, and magazines are good ways to get the issue known but the internet is the primary source of information. The internet not only provides educational information and answers every question you could ever have, but it is the most useful type of media.

What Is Said – The message that is trying to be conveyed is that our earth is not going to stand up to the toxins and pollution that we create every day. We are all going to have to work together to make our earth last and preserve our earth for our future generations.
Why it is said – This message is being sent because scientific experts have already started to see the damage that we have done to our earth. There are more natural disasters than ever before and it is directly connected to the pollution that we all create.
For how it is said – This message is conveyed to viewers by convincing them be better citizens and understand that there is a problem and what they as citizens can do about the pollution on our earth. Whether it is purchasing a hybrid vehicle or recycling or cleaning up the beach there are ways to help.
How it affects its audience – The message of making our more “green” has reached many people in the last several years and it has caused the public and government to begin to make changes in the way that we treat the earth around us. Most people will be able to tell that the public drives more hybrid vehicles, are building more energy efficient homes, and are cleaning up their neighborhoods to help the environment.
Many people are reached with this message but people all receive messages differently or due to many personal factors they are not even touched by the message. Art Silverblatt explains that “… the audience assumes an active role in interpreting, or “negotiating,” the information they receive through mass media…” (Silverblatt 59). Your background, interest level, priorities, and even psychological profile can affect the way that you receive a message from the mass media. For the “green movement” topic, interest level and priorities are huge factors in if a message will reach you or not. Many people in today’s society are stretched very thin and it is hard to think about sorting your recycling or due to economics even think about buying a new vehicle, let alone a more expensive hybrid vehicle.
Cultural context within which the text was produced – Text created to send a message about the “green movement “is created to reach people and educate them about the state and health of our earth. The message naturally reaches those that are already aware of the problems with the ozone layer and other natural disasters in our world and these are the people that have already taken steps to make our world better. Although, the message naturally reaches people that already have a “green” heart, the message is meant to reach all people regardless of background.
Standpoints of Author/ Publishing Company – The standpoint of any author penning something about the “green movement” is looking to make the world better through organic farming or hybrid vehicles or recycling everything that we use. The publishing company may not be thinking the same thing. It is important to them to make money and therefore to them the “green movement” is popular right now and they have to jump on the bandwagon with what is happening “now”.
Cultural Context within which the text is being read – Any text about the “green movement” is being reached by people that are aware and concerned about the state of our earth and saving our earth. If interest is not there and priorities are not in line with this movement then the message of saving our earth does not reach the viewer.
Standpoints of readers/ audience – There are many readers or audiences that are concerned with our environment and what we do to it every day by polluting our air. But, a lot viewers and readers have a lot of other priorities and it is difficult to focus on the “green movement” while you are working hard, taking care of the kids, and worrying about the bills that are piling up.
A.) Cultural Context within which the text was produced- The messages produced are meant to educate people so they can make informed, educated decisions about what is going on in the world in which we live. Most messages are created with an objective or a motive behind them. These messages generally are driven by someone who can make a profit from what is being "taught".
B.) Standpoints of Author- Any author or producer who has created any message about the green movement is doing so in an effort to convince people of something. The authors have a goal to inform the public about what they believe is right. A fear tactic is often used to accomplish the author's goals.
C.) Cultural Context of which the text is being read- The messages being read are in a time of "high alert" of global changes. These messages are being produced to educate people of the potential consequences of our actions.
D.) Standpoint of readers/audience- The audience are people who are generally concerned for the welfare of our environment. Most are people who believe that something needs to be done in order to protect and preserve what is around us.
The internet allows a variety of different institutions and companies to promote the “green movement.” This includes, energy saving, green products, chemical free make-up and more. For instance, The Green Guide provided by National Geographic, offers an entire website dedicated to green products for travel, home and garden, personal care, food and more. The Green Guide has a blog, fast facts, buying guide, as well as a question and answer portion. This website not only provides readers with valuable information but also resources. Other websites allow for the search of chemical free products with environmentally friendly uses. Skin Deep is a cosmetic safety database, which allows you to search certain products and find out how harmful they are to you and the earth. Any internet user can type in a favorite face wash and find out what the hazard level is and why. Newspapers and radio do not provide enough information on a topic such as the “green movement.” Articles in the newspaper often speak about the issue, however, not in a way that readers are able to make changes in their daily life from the given information. The internet allows for searching and answers, where as newspaper readers or radio listeners cannot receive feedback and additional information, which is frustrating. Digital Media allows for different coverage than other media because it presents more sides and information to consumers. The Daily Green is a website is a consumer’s guide to the green revolution. It allows readers to view not only information about global warming and the greenhouse effects but also other environmental issues. The website is broad enough to cover a variety of issues on just the environment which television news shows do not. This website has community news, weird weather and important voices; showing that The Daily Green is a multi-tasking source.
Media communicators drive the boat when it comes to using digital media and internet as primary sources. These websites allow for research and an immense amount of information. The websites gives tips, guides, and beneficial material to consumers in order for them to start acting “green.” Blogs are also available for society to use and communicate with others about environmental topics. The “green movement” has expanded and taken a leap in American society, mostly in thanks to the internet and other digital media.
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