Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Group 6: Question 6 continued...

Discourse conventions specific to the Internet shape how people see our topic because it gives them an uncensored and at times biased opinion and view of the topic.

Blogging has become such a big part of society (we’re posting our assignments on blogs for example) that it would be a great use of the internet to inform people about what sexting is and the risks that can come with it for teenagers. In another aspect, the people who are sexting and also have a blog may post sexting pictures they receive on this blog for others to see without consent. If the person in the
picture is underage it may go as far as being child pornography and result in a felony. Others may use blogging to post their personal opinions for or mainly against sexting for reasons such as child pornography and use their blog to try to influence others to see the damage it can do and try to prevent it.

Internet news coverage shapes how people see this topic by portraying it one sided – as a concerned parent or citizen. Internet news coverage shows how easy it is for teenagers to get away with sexting under a parents nose and shows why it’s dangerous. It reveals the risks teenagers take by engaging in sexting and the penalties that could happen to those teenagers. Coverage goes in depth on the kinds of pictures and texts that are being sent as well as specific punishments. It also gives public discussions on what can be done to prevent sexting.

Internet News Coverage of Sexting

The other day my roommate awkwardly burst into my room convincing me to watch this funny video clip on YouTube. By the way, it was Will Ferrell’s The Landlord which who hasn’t seen these days. Online video’s have become apart of our culture whether we like it or not. What we find on the internet that’s entertaining, newsworthy, informative, seems to be derived from online videos and links. The aspect of online video’s having become so familiar to us, so routine even, has created a new and opposing threat towards radio, television and print. As far as sexting is concerned, online videos and links have the power to sway opinions, strengthen viewpoints and provide information to those who need it. Take for instance, The Tyra Banks Show. Because the topics covered focus on current issues facing women, the show has a dominant female audience. During the episode covering sexting, Tyra exploited the negative atmosphere surrounding sexting most notably in younger teens. The episode, which I found on Google Video, proves that video clips of talk shows, news clips, and amateur video can be found throughout the internet discussing the issue of sexting.

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